Thursday, October 21, 2010

Round Mt. Gardner Hike

Notice the new banner, at the top of the page -- there we are having lunch!
If you've got more photos, or stories to share about the hike, please send them to me by email.

Monday, October 11, 2010

More Photos from the Pasley Island Boat Tour

Waterfalls off the bluffs:


Surf Scoters:


Nature Club Members:


Mergansers in Flight:


Looming Fate:


Harbour Seals:


Gum Weed:


Gull on the Rocks:


Great Blue Heron:


Folk Art:


Possibly an Eagle's Nest:


Coastal Bluff Habitat:




Black-Tailed Deer:


Bald Eagle:

Thanks to Will Husby, who took all of these wonderful, spectacular photos!