The great blue herons are back in their nesting colony behind the Bowen Library (Old General Store) in Snug Cove.
I took a number of photos including mating, nest building and occupation of nests by pairs (male and female).
The quality of images is not the best, the mating and nest building occurred near dusk. Also, to ensure that I did not disturb the mating rituals, I restricted myself to the sidewalk and grassy verge along government road and kept to designated trails in Crippen Park.
I saw three active nests.
Please report any sightings of herons in trees to Bowen Heron Watch (Sue Ellen Fast at sefast@shaw.ca or Alan Whitehead at alanjw@telus.net ).
Photos by Will Husby
Top: 2 pair of herons occupying nests
Middle 3: Heron gathering twigs to ad to nest.
Bottom: A pair of herons mating on nest