Greg Ferguson is undertaking a project this spring and summer to document the presence, distribution, and composition of amphibian species on Bowen Island. He will also be documenting sightings of introduced amphibians and reptiles (e.g., snakes, lizards, and turtles). Data collected will be compiled and made available to stakeholders involved in the project. Information uses may include future amphibian monitoring and management projects, conservation-based land-use management (e.g., habitat enhancement and restoration), and long-term maintenance of Bowen Island’s habitats and species. All these uses combine to help make Bowen Island a more sustainable environment and community.
Top: Pacific Chorus Frog
Bottom: egg cluster of Red-Legged Frog, Blue-listed, and considered Vulnerable
Download the sighting form: Bowen Island Amphibian Sighting Record Form.doc and submit directly to Greg at bowenislandamphibian@gmail.com.
- If you have any questions or would like to talk further about having your property surveyed for amphibians, please contact Greg Ferguson at 604-349-4760.
For help with identification and further information, please see these excellent .pdf resources, supplied by Saltspring Island Conservancy:
Also see BC Frogwatch, provided by B.C.'s Ministry of Environment: